Property Details
4619/4621 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC, V5H 2B3, Canada
两处出租店面,Kingsway上,正对Metrotown,极为繁忙,人流车流极大。周围商铺住宅环绕。适合任何生意。一个unit 550尺。全包租金$5000/月, 租期4+5。有意者请联系赵信德,预约看店,请勿打扰员工。
Two units of retail space on Kingsway. Right arcoss Metrotown. Super busy area, lots of foot and moving traffic. Surrounded by residential and commercial buildings. Suitable for any business. 550 SF each unit. Gross monthly rent $5000, lease term 4+5. Showing by appointment only. Please do not disturb staff.
- Max Chiu
- 604-649-3188
- 604-649-3188
- 604-257-8888
- 604-257-8889
- Grand Central Realty
- 230-3700 North Fraser Way
- Burnaby, BC
- V5J 5H4